truth and freedom This site will be dedicated to stateing my opinion concerning current events.
It is obvious that the preses team is putting forth a serious effort to demonize kenneth starr. They are doing this to muddy the water so as to slow or stop the probe being conducted by the starr team. It is obvious that this is being done because of the fear that something will indeed be proven and get the attention of the pubic. clinton vs starr
conspiracy-right or left? I am sure that there are those who dislike clinton so much that they are dedicating much effort to bringing this pres down. However there are also many on the other side who are just as devout in there efforts to support this pres at all costs. clinton is definitely a leftist, he swings to the middle only in connection with a direct need, ie when he needed to get votes to be elected he quickly garnered centrist positions. Now when he needs to divert attention from his problems, he quickly starts talking about reforming social security. the only real reform that he is interested in, is one that would involve more control of our lives by the government.

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